EXHIBIT: Basement Garden
By Sarena Akhter, 2nd year MIT & Madeleine McColl, 2nd year MPI
The “Basement Garden” photoshoot took place on the evening of October 31st as a fun and safe way to celebrate Halloween. We were inspired by our floral costumes and wanted to create a whimsical garden-like scene in our basement. The growth and whimsy depicted in ”Basement Garden” illustrate that despite feeling confined to the walls of our homes, lacking sunlight and fresh air, we persist, and we grow.
EXHIBIT: Sunset Boulevard
By Saisai Ding, 4th year MIT
These photos were taken on my last trip abroad to LA before the pandemic. Unexpectedly, two months after this trip, countries were lockdown and travel became a difficult thing. For me, these photos capture the city without the concerns of the pandemic, and also the nostalgia of the past.
EXHIBIT: To the Winchester
By Sophie Siew, 1st year MIT
To the Winchester is a playful series of photographs exploring the apocalyptic nature of the current state of the world. These photos pay homage to the apocalyptic subgenre of film in my use of two figurines of the lead characters in Edgar Wright’s 2004 horror-comedy film, Shaun of the Dead. The cult classic is a witty depiction of the immediate aftermath following a sudden zombie outbreak, and its themes have striking parallels to the current global pandemic. Featured in different isolated locations around Waterloo, Ontario, the two characters appear to be equipped and ready for zombie combat. This photo series aims to provide a light-hearted but still wholly relevant interpretation from the perspective of two non-animated figurines, which I captured with a cinematic feel. This series is my personal artistic interpretation of the modern apocalypse.
EXHIBIT: Just Jam!
By Courtney Stone, 4th year MIT
In my third year at Western University, I was instructed to create an advertising campaign for the course MIT 2600B: “Introduction to Graphic Design”. This included designing a logo using my last name (Stone), producing a label for a food product in a jar, and developing an advertisement for the product. All elements of the label for the jam jar were designed from scratch in Adobe Illustrator (including the nutrition label and raspberry graphics) and were compiled in Adobe InDesign. The logo and graphics were originally hand-drawn and then digitized using Adobe Illustrator. The final advertisement includes a picture of the jar with my label, slogan, logo, and images of berries in the form of headphones. The advertising campaign images were edited in Adobe Photoshop and all of the images included in this campaign are my own.
EXHIBIT: Nature to the Max
By Yue Zhang, 3rd year MIT
This image is my final project of MIT2600 course!! It is actually a product Ad poster, I made this poster seems nature and chic, make it connect to the product itself.