EXHIBIT: Romanticize the Moment
By Samuel Arango Londono & Farah Shohib, 1st year MIT
This year, we’ve all learned the importance of appreciating and living for the small moments. Especially during these unprecedented and desperate times with the COVID-19 outbreak, we were inspired to create something that could inspire the viewer – to radiate positivity and leave the person having an optimistic outlook on life. This short film was created in November 2020.
EXHIBIT: Once Inch Barrier
By Rebecca Bartkiw, Sneha Kurian & Nathaniel Lenon, 2nd year MIT
We made this video in the beginning of 2020 right after Parasite won Best Picture at the Oscars. As fans of the film we were excited for this win, but knew that it was so much more and a single awards show win. We wanted to use this project to explore the impact of Parasite’s achievement of being the first foreign language film to win best picture.
EXHIBIT: Girl Next Door
By Alysha Bauer, 4th year MIT
I made this trailer for MIT 3663B with Juan Bello, so it is a work in progress toward my final project! I love everything horror, so when we were assigned a rather open-ended video project I went full-tilt. I made the dress from scratch out of some extra fabric I had laying around and did all of the makeup and special effects myself. I filmed this in one night out in the cold with just the tools I had available to me at home and was so excited to get to work on it that I finished all of the editing the same night (of course after warming up my feet first). The final project is definitely going to have some twists and turns but I am so grateful that I had the opportunity to have complete creative freedom while completing an academic assignment.
EXHIBIT: Handmade “Gone Girl” Dress + Special Effects
By Alysha Bauer, 4th year MIT
For MIT 3663 this semester, we were tasked with making short films, so for mine, I decided to put my special skills to work and make my costume for the project. I used fabric I had laying around and coffee to dye it and made the whole dress in less than 2 hours and for zero dollars! After completing this gorgeous frock, I then went to work with special effects makeup to mimic the look of the costume from Gone Girl- and it turned out exactly how I imagined it!
EXHIBIT: Recycled Pop Tab Crocheted Jacket/Vest
By Alysha Bauer, 4th year MIT
This piece was inspired by various designers incorporating trash into their fashion designs as a commentary on the waste in the fashion industry. My grandma used to collect pop tabs and crochet her whole life and I thought they were such a pretty and unique embellishment to incorporate into my designs. I collected pop tabs from my family and friends over the past month and taught myself how to crochet them into my pattern pieces. Once I had the project half-way done, I realized that I loved the piece as both a vest and a jacket, so I made the sleeves detachable!
EXHIBIT: Dreams of the Past | a COVID-19 Short Film
By Miles Bolton, 2nd year MIT
My first year at Western came to an abrupt end in March 2020, when COVID-19 forced in-person classes to be cancelled. At the time, I was living on campus in Delaware Hall and was used to being surrounded by tons of people in residence, on campus, and in class. This year, things have looked very different, and many students are left feeling alone, wishing things would go back to how they used to be. My friend Marwa and I made this film in the fall of 2020 to showcase what life as a student is like this year, and to draw attention to the loneliness and isolation issues many of us are currently facing.
EXHIBIT: Backwards Forwards
By Nyren Mo, 4th year MIT
It is a mini documentary about a guy who is always seen riding his bike backwards on campus. People are curious about his behavior, but no one knows who he is. There are more interesting stories behind his riding backwards, which also pushes him moving forward with biking and life. Note: this video is a project for MIT 3663: Advanced Video Production taught by Professor Juan Bello, and it’s still in progress (the submission is a demo version but already 95% done).
By Amanda Wharton, 2nd year MIT
This experimental film was created in November 2020 and aims to show how repetition creates distortion. Using ideas that represent one’s thoughts when thinking of the colour red, and by incorporating red elements into the shot, I was able to display an abstract and eerie depiction of what the colour red represents. I focused on combining different sounds with the visuals and used many visual and sound effects to layer and distort reality. My inspiration comes from the colour red and surrealism.
EXHIBIT: Accent sur le trou qui regardé
By Amanda Wharton, 2nd year MIT
This experimental film was created in April 2020 and illustrates the emotional reactions and meaning produced through the human eye. By witnessing a series of responses attached to various images and statements, a rhythmic pattern is represented, corresponding the beat to the visuals. What inspired me was thinking about how different reactions and expressions can be examined, by only looking at the eyes.